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Blink Veterinary Eye Specialists’ Services

At Blink, we provide a full array of leading-edge medical and surgical treatments to preserve and restore vision in dogs and cats. With today’s ophthalmology advances, there are numerous ways to approach your pet’s eye issues—and we always work to find the best solution for you and your pet.

Conditions and Treatments

The conditions we see at Blink—and the options for treatment

From routine eye problems to complex ophthalmic diseases and traumatic eye injuries, we see a wide range of conditions that affect animals’ vision. With our specialized training and expertise, we’re able to tailor treatment to your pet’s individual needs:

  • Corneal ulcers, abrasions: A painful condition that occurs when a pet experiences trauma to the eye’s outer clear lining (cornea), usually as a scratch, which can quickly become infected. Systemic diseases such as diabetes, allergies, and hypothyroidism also can predispose pets to corneal ulcers.
    • Treatment options: Some treatment options we will work through with you may include medications tailored toward treating your pet’s specific ulcer and/or infection in addition to pain management; a procedure (keratotomy/diamond burr) aimed at restarting healing along with a bandage contact lens; and surgery to stabilize the damaged cornea. A microsurgical corneal graft, like what’s done for humans, can also be performed for deep or perforating ulcers.
  • Cataracts: A cataract is a clouding opacity inside the eye’s normally crystal clear lens, leading to decreasing vision and blindness. Cataracts left untreated can often create extremely painful and unmanageable secondary issues. Once a cataract develops, the lens will continue to deteriorate, causing chronic inflammatory changes within the eye and conditions such as uveitis, glaucoma, and retinal detachment.
    • Treatment options: The standard of care for cataracts—just as in people—is highly effective microsurgery (phacoemulsification) to remove the lens and implant an artificial lens to restore vision. Without surgery, there is no way to remove a cataract or restore vision. 
  • Glaucoma: A blinding and painful disease in people and pets in which pressure builds up inside the eye, damaging the retina and optic nerve. Glaucoma may be inherited or due to inflammation (uveitis). While there is no cure for this disease in people or pets, if treated promptly, blindness can be prevented or delayed.
    • Treatment options: As in humans, treatment to alleviate pressure and pain, and to prolong vision, may be medical (eye drops) or surgical (placement of intraocular shunts to drain aqueous fluid or laser therapy).
  • Eyelid issues: There are multiple conditions that can affect a pet’s eyelids causing irritation and discomfort, including:
    • Masses: Benign and malignant (cancerous).
    • Entropion: An abnormality in which the eyelid rolls inward, causing hair on the outer eyelid surface to rub against the cornea resulting in pain, corneal ulcers, and scarring.
    • Ectropion: When a pet’s lower eyelid rolls away from the eye, causing a droopy appearance and exposing the delicate mucous membrane. This increases susceptibility to irritating conditions such as conjunctivitis (‘pink eye’), keratitis (corneal inflammation), corneal scarring and possible vision loss.
    • Distichia: When extra hairs grow out of the eyelash area. Common in dogs (less so in cats), irritation from these hairs can cause discomfort and damage the corneal surface, leading to repeated corneal ulcers.
    • Ectopic cilia: Abnormally located hair follicles that erupt from the inside of the eyelid, in direct contact with the cornea. It can be painful and cause repeated corneal ulcers often in younger dogs.
    • Treatment options: Various surgical and sedated cryosurgical (using extreme cold) procedures to remove eyelid masses of all sizes, as well as conformational correction of these other painful eyelid issues. In some cases, we can use collagen injections for immediate improvement as well.
  • Dry eye: Dry eye (the medical term is keratoconjunctivitis sicca) occurs when the tear glands don’t make enough tears to lubricate the eye, or the tears evaporate too quickly to provide sustained lubrication. Increased friction from simply blinking with dry eye leads to significant inflammation, periocular discharge, and heavy corneal scarring that can bring on blindness if not treated appropriately. Most dogs develop dry eye due to an auto-immune inflammation of the tear glands.
    • Treatment options: Advanced medical therapy to restore tear production and comfort, as well as surgical options for pets resistant to eye drops.
  • Uveitis: Inflammation inside the eye. It’s a serious and painful condition that can result from a number of both ocular and systemic diseases, and if left untreated, can lead to blindness. Numerous options are available to help find the cause of uveitis and, after a thorough exam, our team will discuss which if any tests are needed to guide therapy (blood chemistry testing, systemic fungal testing, ocular ultrasound).
    • Treatment options: Anti-inflammatories are often the first-line treatment in uveitis and can be administered topically, through local injections (periocular or intraocular), or systemically (orally or intravenously). Controlling inflammation alone though is often not enough without the combined antibacterial or fungal therapy needed to treat the cause of the inflammation.


Eye exams: What to expect

A thorough examination of your pet’s eyes and the surrounding tissue is the essential first step in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and determining appropriate treatment. Here’s what to expect at this initial eye exam at Blink:

  • When you arrive, you and your pet will be greeted by a veterinary technician with specialized training in animal eye care. This will help your pet feel relaxed while we review their eye problem with you. At this time, we’ll also perform diagnostic tests to measure eye pressure and assess tear production.
  • As soon as these tests are completed, a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive exam of your pet’s eyes and listen to your concerns. The doctor will then walk you through what they find, drawing pictures and sharing photographs, and explain the treatment options.
  • Any medications your pet needs will be provided from our in-house pharmacy before you leave, saving you time.
  • If surgery is necessary, it can often be performed the same day or scheduled before you leave your consultation.
  • Before you leave, our staff will review your pet’s treatment plan and answer any additional questions you may have, including about costs. A detailed report of the findings and treatment plan will be emailed to you and your primary care veterinarian within an hour of your visit so everyone’s on the same page.
  • If advanced diagnostics, such as an ocular ultrasound or retinal testing, are needed, they’ll be performed the same day and your pet can stay with us for the day. You’re welcome to stay while your pet is with us, or we can notify you as soon as they’re ready to go home.
  • If after your visit you think of any questions we did not answer, we’re always available by phone, text, or email.


The diagnostic resources available at Blink

When you and your primary care veterinarian have questions about your pet’s eyes, we provide timely, accurate answers. We’ve invested in today’s most sophisticated technology for diagnosing eye issues in animals, giving you fast, convenient access to an extensive array of diagnostic capabilities, all in one place:

  • Ocular ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive and radiation-free test that provides fast, high-resolution visualization of the internal aspects of the eye so we can assess its structural integrity and pathology.
  • Electroretinography for performing electroretinograms (ERG). Similar to electrocardiograms (ECG/EKG), our state-of-the-art ERG systems measure the signal and image quality of what the eye is sending to the brain. With this leading-edge modality, we can determine the best options for restoring vision as well as if vision changes are related to underlying neurologic disease. 
  • Handheld slit lamp microscopes give our team detailed, magnified views inside the eye without needing to restrain or sedate your pet. In the hands of our highly experienced specialists, these up-to-date diagnostic tools enable us to visualize eye problems with the highest level of detail.
  • Indirect ophthalmoscopy allows us to visualize a patient’s posterior ocular structures, providing direct views of the retina, optic nerve, and vitreous (the clear gel in the space between the lens and the retina).
  • Blood analyzers help our doctors and anesthesia team create a customized anesthesia protocol for any emergency or same-day surgery patient, as well as test for possible underlying diseases that may be involved in your pet’s eye problems.
  • Cytology via our in-house lab enables us to analyze cells under a microscope to look for infection, cancer, or precancerous changes in the eye or surrounding tissues.

Combine this advanced technology with the training and experience of our team, and you have access to the highest level of diagnostic expertise, right here in North Texas.


Eye surgery for pets at Blink

Your pet’s eyes are in excellent hands at Blink.

It’s important to know that while Dr. Nettune is a board-certified veterinary eye surgeon, he takes a decidedly conservative approach to performing surgery. In other words, he’ll recommend medical solutions to preserve your pet’s vision and avoid invasive surgery whenever possible and appropriate.

For some conditions, however, surgery is the optimal treatment to restore your pet’s vision and comfort. The conditions for which surgery is most often indicated include:

  • Cataract surgery with intraocular lens replacement
  • Ocular emergencies such as traumatic injuries to the eye
  • Deep corneal ulcers and perforations
  • Eyelid masses
  • Eyelid entropion
  • Distichia and ectopic cilia
  • Lens luxations/dislocations
  • Glaucoma

The equipment we use for eye surgery at Blink

Just as we’ve invested in state-of-the-art diagnostic technology, we’ve also acquired today’s most advanced surgical equipment. This includes:

  • Leica operating microscopes that provide the clearest and most detailed visualization, enabling an unparalleled level of precision during surgery
  • Updated anesthesia equipment allowing for the most advanced monitoring of our patients’ vitals, providing the safest environment for surgery
  • Phacoemulsification system for microsurgical removal of cataracts, paralleling what is used in human ophthalmic cataract surgery today. This system—combined with a two-handed surgical technique and foldable replacement intraocular lenses—shortens surgery times, limits anesthesia risks, and improves outcomes compared to older techniques.